Photo A Day: Quince
In honor of getting a new camera and needing a reason to play with it…welcome to my Photo A Day! Topic: Whatever strikes my fancy. Frequency: Daily-ish. I hope.We have a quince bush in our side yard.Sometimes, when I say things like that I need to let it sink in. There are quince. Growing. In our yard. As someone who has a black thumb and doesn't really know planty-things, the fact that there are planty-things growing on their own in the yard sort of astonishes me. It gives me more and more reason to marvel at the world. I am easily entertained that way.We always have fruit left on the bush that the wee beasties that roam the yard--raccoons, squirrels, and so on--don't eat, apparently because it is incredibly astringent and virtually inedible when it's raw. And raccoons, despite their tiny, grasping, dexterous hands, are not very good cooks.Which brings me to today. Today, when it is FINALLY not dismal and rainy after several days of living in a greyscale world. Today, I was able to walk around my yard in the sun, with a nice breeze, and find my orangey and deeply shriveled quince. Still there, on the bush, waiting for someone to eat it.Maybe next year.