Photo A Day: Cardinal in the Yard

In honor of getting a new camera and needing a reason to play with it…welcome to my Photo A Day! Topic: Whatever strikes my fancy. Frequency: Daily-ish. I hope.I know it's "Photo", not "Photos", A Day, but I can't pick which one of these I like better.I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille. How about this? Is this my good side?I woke up this morning to a lovely, serene snowfall, where the flakes were nice and thick and the snow was steady, coating the world in an ethereal white sheet.Of course, I ran for my camera. I mean, in order to celebrate the picturesque nature of my back yard, I needed pictures, non?There was a pretty reasonable amount of activity at my neighbor's bird feeder this morning, so I got all stealthy-like and crept to the back porch to see if I could get any photos of feasting birds. There were a few birds flitting about the feeder and the nearby bushes. One starling in particular kept posing, then fluttering. Then posing. Then fluttering. And creating blurry photos for me in the process. Jerk.I pulled away from the camera's viewfinder to get a good look at the scene--was anyone doing anything interesting? Were there any new comers to the feeding frenzy? As soon as I did that, a gorgeous Northern cardinal sat his bright red self on a utility wire and stared straight at me. Wait until they get a load of me--he seemed to say.Sure, normally skittish and shy bird, I'll take your picture. How about a profile shot, as well?:)Thank you, Mr. Cardinal. You have just made my day.


Photo A Day: A Shell in Geneva, NY


Photo A Day: Railroad Car