Photo A Day: Central PA Snow, March 15 2017

In honor of getting a new camera and needing a reason to play with it…welcome to my Photo A Day! Topic: Whatever strikes my fancy. Frequency: Daily-ish. I hope.OK, I've been a little less than daily-ish. But you know. It ebbs and flows.TODAY! This very photo was taken TODAY!I haven't seen a big snow in a long time, and Mother Nature made up for it in spades with 17 inches of it dumped on us yesterday. Here's a view from the inside looking out. We seem a little isolated in this photo; we're really not. And, bright side! The snow is so deep we would be able to see anyone encroaching upon the house from the back field for an hour before they slogged through all the snow to reach our door. Take that, would-be ne'er-do-wells!Forty degrees and rainy on Saturday--the snow is pretty while it lasts, but Saturday is going to be a soggy mess. Hooray, Spring! :)


Photo A Day: Late-Season Snow, March 19, 2017


Snowmageddon, With Birds