Big Beautiful World 32 - Day Lily, Washington, DC
Here is today's visual feast. Please enjoy the world responsibly. We just got back from a short trip to Washington, DC. Until recently we have had lovely, temperate weather around here (DC is only 3 hours away by car, and we often experience the same sort of weather patterns, but I digress). This weekend, as soon as our intention was to walk around outside..? It was like walking around in a bowl of hot soup, and I'm not talking about the political climate.We ended up shade-hopping, bouncing from shady spot to shady spot, which in turn led us to Bartholdi Park, a beautiful little oasis of tables with umbrellas and fountains and flowers, right across the street from the US Botanic Garden Conservatory. While I couldn't have stayed there indefinitely--I mean, a girl needs food--it's a lovely spot to spend a little while in, escaping from the sun.