Big Beautiful World 84 - Step Into My Parlour
Is it weird that orb weaver season is one of my favorite times of the year? We apparently have a yard that is hospitable to these spiders, and they like to stretch out wherever they can. One spider will often set up a web right in front of my porch light, which I think is pretty clever for a spider. Bugs are attracted to the light and so…instant buffet. Others set up pretty sizeable webs around the yard.
This one is in the side yard, anchored on the red maple and the red-twigged dogwood, conveniently backlit thanks to the sun.
Annnnd this is exactly why I don’t run around the yard all willy-nilly.
Thanks, orb weavers! I appreciate you taking care of icky mosquitos and such! Plus, your webs are heckin’ cool.