Nick Nolte-Ryan Reynolds

A little before, a little after.I do admit, I am a sucker for "separated at birth" posts, and this isn't the last you'll see of this sort of thing on this blog, but with the release of "Green Lantern" and Ryan Reynolds's leading-man looks all over the interwebs/TV, and being struck by how much Ryan Reynolds resembles Nick Nolte from Nolte's breakthrough "Rich Man, Poor Man" days, I thought this was an appropriate "before and after" starting point.I can only hope this isn't the fate of all alliteratively-named celebrities (I'm looking at YOU, Matthew McConaughey...Jaromir Jagr...Amy Adams...).  And I'm leaving Ozzy out of this, because he inhabits a space all his very own.And so, I give you Nick Nolte-Ryan Reynolds...Separated at Birth?Though you've got to admit, McConaughey's looking a little bit like Uncle Creepy in the picture I've linked to.  A little too much time with a bronzer, a little too much work around the eyes.  Heed me!  Put down the self-tanner and just.  Walk.  Away.


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