I Have Won a Major Award
I got home from a weekend with various incarnations of my family to the lovely notification that I've been nominated for an award by the authors of a blog I love to read.I'm delighted to accept it and also delighted to take on the title "versatile blogger". Many, many thanks to the excellent people at http://windagainstcurrent.com/, whose wonderful blog has given me a new perspective on places I thought I knew (and of course, places I've never been). You make me want to learn how to kayak, for real, and that's not something I ever thought I'd say.Part of the fun of accepting this award lies in nominating fellow bloggers whose writing has become another source of inspiration for me, and upon which I joyfully anticipate feasting my eyes. Thanks for all the great work, people. You are appreciated. Keep up the great work!And so, in no particular order, here are my
fifteen sixteen nominees. I couldn't make up my mind. :) Congratulations! To anyone reading this: you should take a look at these blogs!
Update: Twice in the same week? Thanks so much, http://i-mayfly.com/. And I saw that you'd written seven things about yourself that most of the world doesn't know. Was I supposed to do that? OK...here goes...
1) Whenever anyone asks me what I want, I tell them I want a pony. Even though I am a fully grown, adult, relatively mature woman.
2) I think hockey is the sport of the gods.
3) I keep tweezers scattered through my house, because you never know when a tweezer emergency will emerge.
4) I love driving a car with a manual transmission.
5) It's been six years since I quit smoking.
6) I freely admit my cat is the boss of me.
7) I have a deep and abiding love for all things kitsch.