C! Challenge: Cannon
A few years ago we took a trip to Canada...or as I like to call it, "Canadia". While we were there we took one of those harbor cruises on the beautiful schooner the Kajama. I will pretty much jump on any opportunity to go on a boat, and there's something I love about touristy cruises. I'm not so cool that I'm above the tourist thing.Actually, I'm just not so cool.Anyway. So we were on the Kajama, having some cocktails, enjoying the sun. I got to help hoist the mainsail and for the record? It was heavy. Then I noticed the cannon.The teensy, precious, ankle-sized cannon. It was perhaps the cutest thing I ever saw in my life.Until we set it up to fire on Toronto because then, quite frankly, it got even cuter. Toronto. Sitting there placidly, unsuspecting, the jewel of the Great Lakes.
The Kajama crew wheeled that tiny cannon right to the gun port and packed it with some kind of mini-explosive. Not sure if we were treated to itsy bitsy cannonballs, but there was surely a Lilliputian gunpowder package wadded in there.Then we fired.
I can honestly say I have fired upon Toronto. Thankfully, Toronto recovered from the onslaught.
This post is for the C! Challenge by Frizztext
Because I love a good alphabet challenge.