Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside

Here's a little something to help cool us off during the heat of summer, as I sit here and reminisce about winter.I woke up one morning to the crisp blue and sparkling white of a clear day after a surprise snowfall the night before.  I live in central Pennsylvania, so the idea of snow in the winter is hardly foreign (though we had no real snowfall to speak of this past winter, which makes me sad for several reasons) but fresh snow is almost always breathtakingly beautiful.  I was feeling particularly snug this morning; warm blankets, purring kitty, hot coffee, nice boyfriend to curl up with.  I felt serene.  Safe.  Warm.Presenting the view from inside:It was beautiful out there.  But I'm glad I stayed inside.  Keep cool, everyone!You can check out all of the Weekly Photo Challenges here, and below are some of my personal favorites for the week.http://www.threesticksofwatusi.com/2012/weekly-photo-challenge-inside/http://jmeyersforeman.wordpress.com/2012/06/28/bath-abbey-bath-england/http://windagainstcurrent.com/2012/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-inside/http://northernnarratives.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-inside/http://backseatview.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-inside/http://thestyledancer.com/2012/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-inside/http://wingrish.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/weekly-photo-challenge-inside/http://imagesbymadelainecappuccio.wordpress.com/2012/07/19/weekly-photo-challenge-inside/http://ayearinmyshoes.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/wordpress-weekly-photo-challenge-inside/


Travel Theme: Tradition


Nosh: Stuffed Onions