F! Challenge: Feast of St. Joseph, Boston's North End

George and I usually visit Boston in the summer somewhere around his birthday, if we haven't decided to stay put in PA and spirit ourselves away to a local amusement park for the day.  Birthdays should always be celebrated so the honoree is well aware that his or her friends and loved ones are so glad to join them in another trip around the sun.  That's how I feel.  I don't apologize.Anyway.  Boston, that saucy minx, decides to throw a party every year, conveniently located somewhere around George's birthday.  They cleverly disguise it by calling it "The Feast of St. Joseph", but whatever.  True agenda?  Birthday party, North End.  They close down Hanover Street to traffic, they bring in vendors and food and music and did I mention food?  Though we usually have dinner first at La Summa (have the pappardelle e melanzane or the grilled sausage with pasta and broccoli rabe, they're shortcuts to Heaven), just around the corner from all the action a) because it's awesome and b) so we don't overdose on fried food, which would be totally cinchy to do.   Check it out:

OK, OK, so I'm sure you're asking, I see the food.  What else you got?Because you know, Old North Church, "one if by land, two if by sea"?  Remember?  I'll let the non-history buffs wonder why I find it so amusing that this particular photo happened to--completely sequentially--receive the number 1775 when I uploaded it to my files.Anyway.  Moving on.What about a wall of saints? And my personal favorite, St. Joseph himself.

We haven't gone to the feast for the past two years; last year I went to my college reunion a month before this and so couldn't make it back up, and this year we were there earlier in the week but not on the feast days themselves.  And that's too bad.  Because if there's one thing I've learned, it's that the North End knows how to throw a summer party and not being a part of it really shouldn't be an option.

See you guys next year.

This post is for the F! Challenge by Frizztext

Because I love a good alphabet challenge.


Freaking Through


Cynical Soapbox: Chick-Fil-A, Again