Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections

This week's photo challenge is "Reflections".  I don't have much that's pithy to say about the theme.  I just like it because it's inherently liminal.  So let's get started, shall we?Happy Anniversary!First up: a picture of my boyfriend's parents, watching my boyfriend perform a song he wrote for them for their wedding anniversary.  He's reflected in the window behind them, and I love that the picture has this whole "family unity" thing going on.Zelda's, mid-flood.I live along the Susquehanna River and last year, we had some pretty crazy flooding in town.  This is a local coffee shop, and the reflections on the water almost make it seem like the doors and windows are just very tall; if you glance at it quickly it doesn't look like it's flooded at all.  (Don't worry; the business survived.)wine self portrait1My boyfriend and I went to Gettysburg a few years ago, and I took roughly a bajillion pictures.  The only one of me?  This one, reflected in the mirror behind the bottle of wine we bought to share in our room.  There's a certain poetry to this that I find cosmically brilliant.And speaking of wine...Hail Bacchus!I snapped this tasty nugget in a local establishment for the purchase and consumption of adult beverages.  I dig the contrast.  I dig the impact.  I dig the reflections in the glass.  It should go without saying that I dig the wine.You can go check out other interpretations of reflection here.  Fellow bloggers, feel free to play along!  While you do so, please enjoy some Diana Ross and the Supremes.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhxUmjVQNtI]


Nosh: Peppermint Palmiers


Remake This! Legend (1985)