Empire of Groovy

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Resolved

This week's photo challenge asks us to look at our resolutions.  I'm not down with resolutions as a whole--I don't resolve, for instance, to work out more or keep my house more tidy because frankly, I won't.  And "diet" is a filthy, filthy word. But I do try to execute a beginning-of-the-year purge.  For the past day and a half I've been weeding through my books...and I have books upon books upon books, so much so that they were starting to clutter my mental space, not just my physical world.  And who needs that?Yeah.  They're all full of books. The purple crate has the stuff George and I don't want to get rid of yet and are storing in the basement for future use...like when I buy my mansion with a dedicated library.  The cardboard boxes are delegated for donations and/or yard sales.  If anyone is interested in buying anything...call me.  ;)Up next: The pantry.This is not for the weak.Because seriously, I need to do something about my thirty thousand pieces of Chinese takeout storage containers.And since I live in an older house, I have severe closet envy.  My clothing is packed together.  Best for last, maybe?*sigh*Or maybe I'm just "saving" it for last because it terrifies me and I secretly hope the organization bug works itself out in the pantry...though I did forget about the basement, which is also screaming for some love.Ummm...does anyone have a bulldozer I could borrow?See you all when I crawl back out from the madness.  XOXO