Weekly Photo Challenge: Forward!

Or, Ever Forward!  As my sister and I have been known to adopt as a motto.  Particularly while moving me to Pennsylvania from my former home in Texas.  But that's not really important right now.Anyway.  I dig things that make you think of movement, and progression, and the not necessarily negative inevitability of change.  It's all about the liminality, man.  Because to move forward you have to engage in the journey to get there; it's not just done by closing your eyes and having "forward" happen to you.So.  This photo--probably more than any that I've taken recently--says "forward".  There's the curve of the tracks, and I always find myself sort of craning my neck to try and see what's around the bend.  It's a great unknown out there; do we stay where we are and not explore, or do we see what's around that bend, and the next, and the next?  Plus, it's taken at sunrise, so hooray to the dawning of a new day!Onward!Ever forward, my friends.Go check out the other photo challenge participants here.  Or bust out some pictures and join in the fun!


Meanwhile, At The Restaurant...


Nosh: Roasted Turnips and Pasta