Empire of Groovy

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Travel Theme: Benches, Part Deux

I had forgotten about this funny, quirky, adorable song when I wrote my previous "bench" blog, but my boyfriend kindly reminded me of its existence.  Originally written by French singer-songwriter/poet Georges BrassensLes Amoreux des Bancs Publics is all about couples making out on park benches.  If this doesn't belong in Ailsa's bench-themed blog, I don't quite know what does.Below are the original and a translated version, and below those are the lyrics.  Enjoy![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic_wbt63LD8]


Words and Music : Georges Brassens

Les gens qui voient de travers

Pensent que les bancs verts

Qu'on voit sur les trottoirs

Sont faits pour les impotents ou les ventripotents

Mais c'est une absurdite

Car, a la verite

Ils sont la, c'est notoire

Pour accueillir quelques temps les amours debutants

CHORUSLes amoureux qui s'becotent sur les bancs publics

Bancs publics, bancs publics

En s'foutant pas mal des r'gards obliques

des passants honetes

Les amoureux qui s'becotent sur les bancs publics

Bancs publics, bancs publics

En s'disant des *je t'aime* pathetiques

Ont des p'tites gueules bien sympathiques

Ils se tiennent par la main

Parlent du lendemain

Du papier bleu d'azur

Que revetiront les murs de leur chambre a coucher

Ils se voient deja douc'ment

Elle cousant, lui fumant

Dans un bien-etre sur

Et choisissent les prenoms de leur premier bebe...


Quand la sainte famille Machin

Croise sur son chemin

Deux de ces malappris

Elle leur decroche hardiment des propos venimeux

N'empeche que toute la famille

Le pere, la mere, la fille, le fils, le saint-esprit

Voudrait bien de temps en temps

Pouvoir s'conduire comme eux.


Quand les mois auront passe

Quand seront apaises

Leur beaux reves flambants

Quand leur ciel se couvrira de gros nuages lourds

Ils s'apercevront emus,

Qu'c'est au hasard des rues

Sur un d'ces fameux bancs

Qu'ils ont vecu le meilleur morceau de leur amour




by Georges Bressens, translated and performed by Pierre de Gaillande 

People who see upside-down

Think the benches around

The sidewalks and the streets

Are made only for the impotent or the obese

But it’s an absurdity

For in reality

These venerable seats

Are there to accommodate young lovers when they meet


Young lovers kissing on park benches publicly,

Publicly, publicly

Not giving the slightest damn for the

Honest people’s stares

Young lovers kissing on park benches publicly,

Publicly, publicly

Saying “I love you” pathetically

Look pretty nice if you ask me

As they sit there holding hands

They speak of future plans

Of sky blue wallpaper

That will dress the pretty walls of their nuptial bedside

They see what tomorrow knows

He’s smoking while she sews

Their happiness assured

While deliberating the name of their first-born child


When the noble what’s-their-names

Happen to contemplate

Two of these so-and-so’s

They never hesitate to toss out some venomous names

Though the entire family clan

The mom, the girl, the dad

The son, the Holy Ghost

Wouldn’t mind once in a while behaving just the same


When the heady months have ceased

When they will have appeased

All of their burning dreams

When their sky grows heavy with the darkening clouds above

They will sadly come to see

That it was on these streets

Upon these famous seats

That they lived the greatest moments of their budding love
