Travel Theme: Costume
Ailsa's travel theme this week involves costume. How do people wear them? Where do they wear them? Why do they wear them, if they're not on a stage?Admit it, we're all, always, on stage. Some of us are just more apt to dress that way than others. So here are a few memorable costumes I've run across while going about my business.In Boston...which is always good for finding some kind of people in some kind of costume somewhere...a historical re-enactor grabs a sandwich and a beer at The Green Dragon, which was home turf for the planning of the battle at Lexington and Concord. Bonus: the food is good, and the bartenders are awesome.When I was in Paris, I happened upon a living statue street performer, dressed a little bit like the love child of Neo and Uncle Creepy. Imagine my total excitement when I realized I immortalized him forever mid-poke. It's like catching the ventriloquist moving his lips. Day=made.
When in Bayville, NJ, I was hanging out with my dreadfully handsome brother, who was handed a pair of costume glasses to return to his wife, who had left them behind at some Halloween party they'd gone to. One perfectly timed picture later...
Love you, big bro!Moving on, to the Vatican. Everything you've heard about the elaborate costuming worn by the Swiss Guard? All true. (Not accounting, of course, for the many many many blazered and earpieced and guns-in-forearm-slide-holsters undercover security walking around. You don't take pictures of them. Or maybe you could, but I didn't want to try my luck.)
Annnnd...Right here in beautiful downtown Lewisburg we have an annual "Victorian" parade (which is much more thematically engaging than your standard Christmas parade), and all the marchers dress up in costumes. You have characters from works of literature like A Christmas Carol and Mary Poppins. (And p.s. if you've got a problem with me linking to Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol, then you meet me in the school yard at 3:00.) Anyway. So there I was, at the Victorian Parade and what becostumed thing to I see rolling toward me but...A Christmas dalek.
OK, so normally I stop at five photos (for no reason except for just because), but since I have that picture of my big brother in doofy glasses, I figured I'd include one of me. In my own doofy glasses. So we may stand in solidarity. This was taken at the local Halloween store.
There are so, so many reasons this picture cracks me up. But mainly, it makes me feel like I should have had a starring role in the Beastie Boys' video for Sabotage.[youtube=]So, that's what I've got. What groovy costumes have you run across in your life? Join me at Ailsa's!