Myrtle Beach, June 28th, 6:08AM

We just got back from a vacation in Myrtle Beach; my brother and sister-in-law moved down there and I am always--always!--a fan of visiting family, particularly if they're in new/fun/interesting places.D) All of the above.I'll be discussing more of what we did in later posts, but as is my penchant, George and I (and my brother, who really didn't have to get up with us, but he's a trooper) went to the beach for a sunrise photo shoot.  Bear in mind that sunrise on the beach was 6:08AM.  And it's like a fifteen minute drive from their house to the actual beach-beach.  Yeah, we were up at 4:30.  That doesn't happen much, if indeed ever at all.  But you've got to go where the photo ops are, they don't come to you (unless, maybe, you're Annie Leibovitz, but I digress).So we went to Surfside Pier, a fishing pier that was built in 1953 and rebuilt three times since then.  I wanted something that would add an extra bit of visual interest, since relying on waves and sun can be suspect, especially if you're looking at the weather reports and they're telling you it's going to be cloudy.  Sure, I could have looked at the forecast and not gone, but I was awake at 4:30 in the morning.  There's no going back from that.And so, with no further is Myrtle Beach, 28 June 2013, somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning.Alongside the pier, insanely early in the morning.George and my brother, and acres of empty beach.The moon was still far from setting.Across the tidal beach.One of the maintenance vehicles left its mark.I know it's not a boardwalk. I still want to sing...that song.Now we're starting to get some color.The first other people we saw on the beach.Seriously. I. Frigging. LOVE. This picture.Thankfully, Mr. Metal Detector Guy showed up.The tide can do funky things to the sand.Good morning.Hats off to the lone fisherman.From under the pier.The pull was such that I lost my flipflop twice under this thing. Retrieved it both times. Score!The cover refused to break, but it was still pretty.And the sea is liquid gold.From behind the dunes at the edge of the beach.This makes me want to run back down to the sand.Groovy? Funky? Crappy? Hotel, right on the beach.With lots of places for creepsters to hang out. I can only hope The Warriors came here for refuge.And finally, one of my favorite things about Surfside Beach...Who wants to be a member of the elite Sunbathing Patrol?That's it for now!  I hope you think they're as worth the 4:30 alarm as I do.  Thanks for dropping by.


Travel Theme: Motion


Nosh: Tortellini Soup