Sunrise on Lake Superior; Lutsen, MN

Once again I have come to the entirely inescapable conclusion, after seeing it once more with my very own eyes, that Lake Superior is, indeed, one great frigging lake.  Some day...sommmmmmme dayyyyyyy I will drive the entire perimeter of Lake Superior, some day, though it is not this day (and I refrain from using the term "Bucket List" because I hate the idea and the movie and pretty much anything that relates to Jack Nicholson because sorry but he is overrated (there, I said it) but that's how the entire world relates to any future aspirations now--well, I want to do it before I die, how wonderful is that?--and so I have to suck it up).But I digress.So, sunrise, on the north shore of Lake Superior.  A photographer at the wedding we were at two days before told us that we'd have a better view "on the other side of the lake" which I could only take to mean "Canada".  Considering the semi-sheltered area we were in, I'm sure he's right.  Too bad we didn't have our passports and another two days to get around to "the other side" because we were a mere 60-ish miles from the border.Holy snowshoes! That's up there!The days before had, for the most part, been cloudy and gray (and oof, chilly!  I'm so glad our friends warned us to bring jackets and other sundry cool-weather clothing) but happily, our last morning there dawned clear and bright (and chilly, but at least I was sensible enough to pack plenty of socks and some sturdy shoes).  Down to the rocky little beachfront we went...and I'm just going to let the pictures tell the rest of the story.










The light quickly became too intense for me to take any more pictures here without worrying that I would burn out my camera, so it was sunrise and done.  But!  This li'l fella kept me company the whole time.



Soapbox Sunday: You Do Know You're Speaking Out Loud, Right?


Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary and Olives