A Word A Week Challenge: Square

Skinnywench has issued this week's Word A Week Challenge, and it is: square.Photo from thedissolve.comNo! Not that kind of square!Ummm...OK, fine. I guess that's marginally more like it.You know.  Square, like the geometry people talk about.  Square, like a city block.  Square, like,..This entire array of buildings and signs, somewhere outside Chicago.That's a lot of squarity.Or like these very square princess kites floating in the skies over Jockey's Ridge State Park.You go, Snow!Here's a very square assortment of very square windows and doors located along a square in Rome. (I think it was the Piazza Navona but I can't be 100% sure.  Guess I have to go back...!)Those are some square-ass windows, for sure.Squares support the curves in this awesome wooden roller coaster (the Twister, FYI) at Knoebel's.Or did I just blow your mind?And then there's: random assortment of chairs set out after being freshly re-caned.  I don't know what I like best about this picture?  The random assortment of mismatched furniture?  The readily apparent craftsmanship?  The contrast of the straight lines against the natural background?  This was taken a scant few miles from my house, during the Rural Heritage Festival at the Dale/Engel/Walker House in beautiful Lewisburg, PA.We set out chairs in central PA to welcome all newbies. Thanks for dropping by!So there you have it.  Behold the squareness!  Enjoy the rest of the challenge participants.


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