Empire of Groovy

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Scenes from the Rail Trail: October 6, 2013

While I've normally only ridden the Rail Trail as far as work--which is about 12 miles round-trip--today, I totally went for it, going the extra 4 miles to the end of the trail and then back.   So, if the maths work like they're supposed to, that means I just successfully completed a 20 mile bike ride, which is the first time ever I've ridden that far.Feeling slightly badass.  But ow.  But still.  :)  Woot!Speaking of "ow", I have to say that while I'm really enjoying my bike I've endured some bizarro injuries I never expected to have.  Last week, a bug flew like it was targeting me, directly into my eyeball.  Which, you know. Pain!  Plus it's just weird.  And then today?  I was absolutely walloped by a falling black walnut.  They're surprisingly dense, and it hit with some serious impact.  Welt, bruise, the whole nine.  I developed a whole new appreciation for that Wizard of Ozapple-hurling scene.  Those walnut thingies hurt![youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx-C2iVt2aE]I confess, I don't mind having a reason to think of The Wizard of Oz.  Only one of the greatest movies ever and I would love to have a flying monkey of my very own. Anyhow.Occasionally, during my dazzling feats of athleticism, I stopped to take pictures.  It's extraordinarily beautiful around here so I submit that I had no choice; judge me if you must.
See you 'round the trail!