Flea Market Find: Tala Cook's Measure

Once again, a well-timed visit to the Street of Shops has paid off handsomely for me. Some of you (the select few who have been to my house; don't be creepy) may recognize this from its spot of honor on my kitchen shelf because I've had this little beauty for a while, but I haven't posted about it yet. There's no time like the present to show the world how much I adore world's grooviest measuring cup.I love this thing so much I want to hug it.For those of us not living in the UK (or other countries in which this fine piece of equipment is sold), this vintage (1950s or 1960s? I can't quite figure out the era) cup is a total novelty and a swoonworthy piece of streamlined practicality. Made by Tala, a UK baking-equipment manufacturing company that's been around since the 1920s, this calibrated cup lets you measure practically everything, so long as you have an eyeball and a hearty shake.EVERYTHING.I can never remember this stuff on my own. Seriously. It's like the measurement conversion information storage in my brain is comprised of sticky notes with no stick. You can teach me measurements all you want, but at some point the information will detach and float away.How it made the journey from the UK to the US...I have no idea. Who am I to judge? But I was more than happy to snatch it up for a whopping THREE DOLLARS and add one more gorgeous powder-blue-silver piece of retro kitsch to my collection. Some day, I will have the Kitchen of the Future which will, ironically, be entirely vintage. Tala's Cook's Measure will look slick next to my longed-for future Kitchen-Aid stand mixer in "Ice".SLICK, I tell you.*cough cough* Just saying. :) Kitchen-Aid people...call my people.I'm off to a new thrift store later today...who knows that treasures that may bring?  


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