It Was Pink Outside Last Night

I've said before that central PA gets some of the best light I've ever seen. I don't know if it's a consequence of latitude...or air pollution or...what, I don't know. I just know that the light around here is regularly ethereal. So I shouldn't have been surprised last night when I opened the door to look for the cat. The sky was clearing after a little cloudburst of rain, and it was that anything-can-happen time just before sunset. But I admit, I was surprised. Because it was pink outside.Pink.Like, did I just open the door into an impressionist painting or what?Here's what it was like. The photos are unretouched in any way.Le chat.See? It's all rosy and I swear, totally #nofilter.Check out the clouds.First through the trees. For suspense.And then...Over the top of my neighbor's crazy Dr. Seuss tree.Over the rooftops.HOLY POCKETS.And then I turned around and...Dig it.Seriously. It felt surreal. Which isn't a bad thing but, by definition, not what one tends to expect.


Someone Call Terry Gilliam, STAT!


Ellis Paul, Wilkes University, June 1 2014