Empire of Groovy

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I Love It When Two Things Come Together (in my head, anyway)

Hi blogosphere! It's been a while. I've been insanely busy, which is both good and bad. Good, because some cool stuff has been going on. Bad, because I've barely had time to write and I'm chronically sleep-deprived. At least George has kept me reasonably sane and steady, so we have him to thank for that.More on all this soon.  But first...You know how sometimes you see two things and you want them to come together so very very much that you make it happen, even if it's just in your head?  Yup, in the middle of that, right now.The below video of The Badpiper--the world's premiere heavy metal bagpiper with pipes that shoot flames--playing AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" has been having its way with my Facebook feed lately. Which, you know. Cool. I really do like bagpipes, and there ain't nothing wrong with a little AC/DC.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-Op1Mng4oY]Like, HOLY POCKETS THAT DUDE IS SHOOTING FLAMES NEAR HIS HEAD! Right? No wonder he's got a mohawk. I wonder how often he set his hair on fire before realizing the mohawk was a practical styling option.Anyway. So I watched this and it was awesome, and then I thought, but wait. He could be playing better bagpipes, filled with even more flame-shooting deranged badassery.He needs this set.Yes.OMG OMG OMG. Can you imagine this thing shooting flames out its horns? The archetypal trauma alone would be worth the price of a ticket. For what it's worth, I can picture it all in my head. And it. Is. Fannnnnnnntastic.If anyone has other suggestions for appropriately mindblowing bagpipes, I'm happy to hear about them! Otherwise...soak in the idea of a little flame-shooting heavy metal goatpipe magic.See you all soon!  XOXO