Scenes from the Rail Trail: July 16, 2014

It was a glorious day in central PA yesterday; there was no real summer heat (high of 79? WHAT?) and the humidity was present, but bearable thanks to the lower temperature. When I woke up yesterday morning my first thought was, I am SO riding my bike to work today.Even before I longed for coffee, that's what I thought, so you know it was important.Before too long I packed up my lunch and my change of clothes (because who wants to work in sweaty bike clothes?) and pedaled myself off to the Buffalo Valley Rail Trail and onward to work. It looked a little something like this.I call this one "The Commute". Yes, that is a coffee cup at the handlebars.The rail trail is currently in high-summer foliage, so most of it is full-on lush greenness.Sure, I'll get to work. Soon as I make my way through this time portal.And the birds were keeping it kind of low-key.  I heard the birds a-plenty, but didn't see them. I did, however, get a visit from an inquisitive groundhog.Which is my good side, he seemed to say. Sadly, I's neither. Because they're really not cute. But thanks for playing, Mr. Groundhog!I saw some funky orange fungus doing its thing on a decomposing tree along the trail side. I believe this is Pycnoporous cinnabarinus.Eventually, this fallen tree won't stand a chance.A few things: 1) Don't eat it. 2) I'm happy to learn if I'm wrong. 3) Say "Pycnoporus cinnabarinus" three times, fast.It's even coming out the top. Bet you can't.Anyway.There were delicate little wildflowers all over the place.Is this some kind of clover? I have no idea.Some flowers in the process of pollination.Or a little somethin' somethin'. Some wild raspberries.Delish!And a farm that's been plucked straight out of a movie set.Seriously? Are you frigging kidding me?Here's a shot looking over one of the out-buildings of the farm. Notice the awesome sky.I have no idea what this building is for. But it looks great.And the side of part of the farmhouse. Complete with wagon wheel.Wagon. Wheel. Can it get any more rustic?Location scouts, call me.All in all, it was a surreally pretty day out on the BVRT.Yup. Ain't no doubt about that.And I'm glad to say I took advantage of it.See you on the trail!


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