Empire of Groovy

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How Typecasting Begins: Snowpiercer

Last night I went to see the movie Snowpiercer, and for those who never heard of it, let me sum up: post-environmental-apocalypse survivors are on a Train of the Future that's been designed by a train genius, runs on a globally connected rail system and is powered by a perpetual-motion engine. Passengers are socially stratified. Those at the front of the train live in ease and luxury; those at the rear of the train live in squalor. The back of the train finally decides that enough abuse and degradation is enough, and they stage a revolution. Chaos and bloodshed ensues.With me so far? Great. So. Here's how I watched this movie:Yay! Captain America and the Shit Pie Lady join forces with Billy Elliot and an intensely weathered Elephant Man to fight social injustice! I won't tell you what part Truman's creator plays, because I don't want to be a spoiler. Tilda Swinton plays a post-modern Mouth of Sauron but you know...she's just so good she can't be typecast.All you actors out there: fall down on your knees in gratitude that I am not a casting director.And go see Snowpiercer if it's playing anywhere near you. Sometimes the logic is a little shaky, but MAN is it ever an adrenaline rush! Plus Chris Evans. :)Here's the trailer.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX5PwfEMBM0]