Empire of Groovy

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Travel Theme: Colourful

This week at Where's My Backpack?, Ailsa has declared her travel theme to be "colourful", in order to beat the doldrums that accompany the shortened days that come with winter. Is the lack of sunlight getting you down? Don't worry! I've got some colorful plays with light, right here.Starting off close to home, this is taken from inside the tasting room at a local winery, Fero Vineyards. It was a grey and rainy day, and I loved how this Italian horn pendant lamp was a bright spot against the weather.A bright spot on a rainy day.While in Cleveland, City of Light, City of Magic, George and I were drawn in like moths to flame, to the bright lights in the alley that led us to the restaurant Zocalo. The food was...eh, OK. But the tequileria was superb.What, like you wouldn't go check this out? #oohshinyThe subtle lavender-pinks and golds of a sunrise on Surfside Beach, SC, have to make a body feel better against the long nights. Check out my brother, looking all stoic and philosophical, one man standing alone to face the relentless forces of nature, yada yada yada.IMG_0096-003Staying in South Carolina...We went to the Nights of a Thousand Candles at Brookgreen Gardens, all of which was INSANELY gorgeous. The gardens had lights dripping from anything that could hold a strand, floating on anything watery, wrapped around even the vaguest semblance of a trunk. And then they had this leaping goat-legged fellow.I like the cut of his jib.Meanwhile, up in Vermont...Even in winter, you can find bright bursts of color. Here are some winter berries, dusted in frost and morning light.Don't eat them. But they sure look purty.Go check out the rest of the participants in Ailsa's travel theme! Or--hey, why not?--play along yourself. See you around the interwebs!Here's Randy Newman, singing about Cleveland, to play you out... [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPmjTG8NLuw]