Travel Theme: Golden

Ailsa's travel theme this week at Where's My Backpack? is "golden". Groovy! I don't have much time to be chatty today, so let's get to it, shall we?First stop: close to home. Beautiful Lewisburg, PA, where the trees put on quite the seasonal display and turn a stunning shade of gold in autumn.It's kind of spectacular here in the fall.These Italian fig bundles look like little golden dessert ravioli. Stuffed with figs. They're like a dream come true.IMG_0062 And speaking of's a cozy little street in Florence that turns golden once the sun starts to set and the lights come on.I want to live here. That is all.Relax during the holidays! Be like Buddha, in perfect tranquility in a lotus flower. As seen at the MFA in Boston.I feel all zen and groovy.And is a sunrise that's about as golden as it gets. Taken at North Carolina's Outer Banks. It's one heck of a way to start the day.Nature is so effortlessly beautiful. This was a great challenge for me to do. It's been an opaque gray here for about a week; I've been starved of brightness. (No, wait. There was one notable hour of sunlight; we were all so happy to see it we made sure our friends and neighbors checked out that strange fiery sky orb, but I digress.) I hope you enjoyed the photos! Or, of course, you'd be more than welcome to participate. See you 'round the internets.XOXO


The New Year Thus Far


Nosh: Roasted Spiced Beet Tatin