Travel Theme: Golden
Ailsa's travel theme this week at Where's My Backpack? is "golden". Groovy! I don't have much time to be chatty today, so let's get to it, shall we?First stop: close to home. Beautiful Lewisburg, PA, where the trees put on quite the seasonal display and turn a stunning shade of gold in autumn.These Italian fig bundles look like little golden dessert ravioli. Stuffed with figs. They're like a dream come true.
And speaking of's a cozy little street in Florence that turns golden once the sun starts to set and the lights come on.
Relax during the holidays! Be like Buddha, in perfect tranquility in a lotus flower. As seen at the MFA in Boston.
And is a sunrise that's about as golden as it gets. Taken at North Carolina's Outer Banks. It's one heck of a way to start the day.
This was a great challenge for me to do. It's been an opaque gray here for about a week; I've been starved of brightness. (No, wait. There was one notable hour of sunlight; we were all so happy to see it we made sure our friends and neighbors checked out that strange fiery sky orb, but I digress.) I hope you enjoyed the photos! Or, of course, you'd be more than welcome to participate. See you 'round the internets.XOXO