Travel Theme: Details
Ailsa has issued this week's photo challenge at Where's My Backpack?, and this week, the devil is in the details. Like this one, close to my home. This weekend we get to feast our eyes on a ton of ice sculpture for the annual Lewisburg Ice Festival. (Bonus! It's neither unseasonably warm nor raining, so the sculptures will make it through the festival, so long as the weather lasts.) I love this little walrus guy, and his detailed whisker holes and scary walrus tusks. Next stop: Venice! We were at a glassblower's shop on Murano Island. The artist was showing off his mad glassblowing skills (which were prodigious), but every so often, you have to look elsewhere. I liked this schematic for an upcoming art glass project.
Heading home...and I mean, really, heading home from Italy, we were starting to descend and I realized we were flying right over Long Island. Which, might I say, is really long. And is made up of a lot of barrier channels and quirky little islands, like this one. I had no idea, until I saw it from above.
While we're in New York......New York State, that is......let's make a stop at Dr. Frank's winery, on Keuka Lake. The wine? Delicious. The view? Gorgeous? But the little grape cluster cut crystals that comprise the body of the chandeliers in their tasting room? Swoon-worthy.
And finally, we end with a visit to my beloved Boston. Boston's Museum of Fine Arts has some extraordinary exhibits, but their musical instruments room is exceptional. Here's a close-up of a hand-worked guitar inlaid with a salacious amount of mother-of-pearl. And check out the carving in the sound hole. Crazy!
That's it for now. Enjoy the photo challenges, everyone! See you around Ailsa's page.