Empire of Groovy

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The '80s Pin Project: So Much Sexy

For an explanation of the 1980s Pin Project, go here.Oh, the crosses one must bear.Today's random-pick-a-pin-out-of-the-box generator bemoans the difficulties of trying to cart around a burdensome amount of sexy.Bow-chicka-wow wow.You know, the funny thing is, I never really felt this way about myself, especially not when I was busy wearing pins. This would have made its way onto my jacket/purse/being in my late teens or maaaaaaybe early 20s (though, really, smart money says this was on me in my teenager-hood). During that time, I was plagued by vicious attacks of non-confidence. I felt chubby. I felt insecure. I felt like I needed external validation regarding my feminine pulchritude. (And don't let my mother try and tell you any different!) Oy. If only I knew then what I know now.I generally lean toward the practice of "fake it 'til you make it"; it's what I did when I went to college (no, really, I am smart and belong here! That's what I said, until I finally believed it). Thus it makes sense to me that I would have purchased something declaring my abundance of sexy, and worn it with a shirt that let me show off my breasts like they were trophies. It's what happens when we begin to recognize our sexual power. And have breasts.Now, I'm just pissed that I bought something that promotes such bad grammar and graphic design. Was that ellipsis really necessary? Right after the comma like that? Especially since the copy space couldn't accommodate the third period in the ellipsis? And oh my word, what is up with the ridiculous porn font on the word "Sexy"? Ai, me! What was I thinking?Clearly, in those days, my sense of taste was only in my mouth. Hooray for adulthood!Mark my words, children: some day, you'll get to a point where sexiness isn't a top priority. Not that it won't be nice, on those days when you're feeling like you are on time and ready to rock. But in general, the day-to-day burden of sexy will be gone from your shoulders. And what a blessed relief that day will be.[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl3vxEudif8]