Travel Theme: Routine
This week at Where's My Backpack?, Ailsa offers us a glimpse into routine for her photo challenge. As I need to re-routinize myself to blogging with the new year, this seems auspicious. :)Ever forward.Welcome to a goalie practice at the Herb Brooks Arena (home of the 1980 Miracle on Ice US Olympic hockey team upset-slash-victory, and I was so excited to walk in there I felt like a five-year-old on Christmas Eve). There were CAN/AM teams in the arena practicing, and we got to watch goalies get some top-notch coaching. Over. And over. And get shelled by their teammates. Over. And over. And then they'd stop and talk about what happened. It was fantastic.Closer to home, check out these kids performing one of their dance routines at the Lewisburg Arts Festival. Come for the dancing, stay for the hand-crafted jewelry (not pictured, but trust want some).
Boat maintenance is never done, and if you want to keep that boat up and running you have to tend to it as part of your daily grind. Just ask this fellow, sanding away at his boat in a Venetian canal.
Next, it's Hilby the Skinny German Juggling Boy! Who is doing a juggling routine with his own hat that seems to surprise even him.
And finally. Ducks and swans in Reykjavik's Lake Tjörnin are so accustomed to people feeding them, it seems they've incorporated patiently waiting for bread into their daily routines.
Side note: No, you're not imagining things. Icelandic whooper swans really are the size of a small child.And I will leave you with an Icelandic folk song written in honor of the raven. Because I am a giver.Enjoy the photo challenge![youtube=]