Empire of Groovy

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Dranks: The Classic Gin & Tonic

Dranks dranks dranks! I'm just going to jump straight in with this. A few years ago, I would *never* have imagined wanting anything to do with a gin and tonic. My gin receptors only recently switched on in the last several years. If you ask me about the flavor profiles of various gins--what's more herbal or earthy or evokes the bracing essence of Britain's coastline or makes you feel like you're ready to colonize India--I got nothin'. It's gin. Some taste more appealing to me than others. Other kinds might taste more appealing to you. Try them. And most tonics make me feel like I'm drinking the waste water runoff from a mercury factory. I've literally taken a napkin to my mouth and wiped it clean after having tonic. So what gives with this cocktail? Weird, right? Like I said, the gin receptors have switched on, and despite my stated dislike of tonic, I did find one brand of tonic that I truly like. I swear they are not paying me a dime for this, but Fever-Tree tonic has changed me. For the better, I think, since I was forced to challenge long-held assumptions and that's never a bad thing. And, it allows me to enjoy a classic summer drink. It was 9,000° yesterday (Fahrenheit, for the record; I mean, Celsius would just be ridiculous) and all I wanted was something crisp and cool and refreshing. Hence...my G&T. Here's what you need: 2 oz. gin 4 oz. tonic (amounts adjusted as desired) Lime wedgesMost recipes suggest using a highball glass but this rocks glass is my favorite, and it holds a lot of hooch.Put ice in your glass. Pour in gin. Top with tonic. Add a lime wedge garnish. Done. I do like a little additional lime so I squeezed an extra wedge into the glass but other than that, this is the drink. Simple, elegant, crisp, delicious. I get it if you're not a gin fan, but you never know. Tastes change. I'm living proof. Whatever you choose, enjoy it responsibly!