Empire of Groovy

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Travel Theme: Intense

This week at Where's My Backpack?, Ailsa has issued a really challenging challenge. One might even call it...intensely challenging. *nyuk nyuk nyuk* The theme is "intense". Hmmmmmmm....Here goes!Recently, George and I drove to Point Pleasant Beach during a visit with family, and hooooooo-weeeeee! The wind was crazy that day. My mother came with us; we were worried that the winds would pick her up and carry her away.Down where the trade winds play...Next up: the intense physicality of an NHL game. Last year, George and I went to a New York Rangers game in Madison Square Garden. (Welcome to Rangerstown. Now get outta here.) A thousand years ago I was always going to hockey games as the ex- and I had season tickets, but when the marriage ended, so did the subscription. C'est la vie. Now, when I get a chance to go, it's a real treat. Though you know, I've always thought that if I went to work and a colleague knocked me to the ground with a big stick while another colleague made off with my work implements? Screw you guys, I'm going home. I'm glad hockey players think differently.Get the puck GET THAAAA PUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!I've spoken of Knoebels, our local gem of an amusement park, before. It's always a thrill to go there and get flung about upside down and sideways.OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGMeanwhile in Venice, glassblowers use intense heat to make beautiful glassware. Bear in mind: this flaming red glass sculpture? Will cool and turn colorless, completely clear.How'd you like a nice piece of molten glass?For the last several years, the garden club in my little town has organized a summer garden tour, where select local homeowners with tour-worthy gardens graciously open their yards to the public for a day. I have world's blackest thumb and can kill any plant you put in front of me; thankfully, I know lots of people who can make things grow at will. This was taken in my friend Steva's amazing raised garden beds. Behold! The intense beauty of a perfect rose on a gorgeous summer day.Welcome to Pleasantville.That's it for now. I hope you enjoy the other participants in Ailsa's photo challenge, or even decide to play along, yourself!Here's a little Bugs Bunny, singing about the trade winds, to enjoy on your way out.[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHb13NnCc3c]