Travel Theme: Entertainment

This week at Where's My Backpack?, Ailsa asks, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Indeed I am. Here's how.Here's a man doing a little violin busking on the Metro in Rome. Transportation AND a show? It's a bargain!He was good, too.For those of you who think I might have a mild obsession with New York Rangers'd be right. Here's a shot from a game George and I went to last year. Slide across the ice, Henrik! Slide! #LetsGoRangersFun fact: I bleed Rangers blue.The things some of us do in the name of fun. Here's roller coaster poised to take the plunge at Knoebel's Amusement Park (sorry...Amusement Resort) in central PA.IMG_0053-001Full disclosure: Once the lines die down, I will totally be one of the freaks on this ride. But, I am not a standing-in-line-type person. Moving on.Tjörnin Lake is a prominent feature in downtown Reykjavik. Located right behind their City Hall, Tjörnin is surrounded by park benches and lots of picnicky-looking places for summer fun (I would imagine). In the winter, when it's frozen over, residents take advantage of Tjörnin's frozen surface for some cold-weather entertainment.IMG_0219-001And finally.If and when you go to Myrtle Beach, the Hollywood Wax Museum is a great way to entertain yourself and spend a day, particularly if you go in the winter and it's unseasonably cold. But I dare you to get a picture as deranged as George's photobomb of the Donny & Marie figures.IMG_0070-001I hope you had a fun time checking out the photo challenges! Thanks for stopping by.Imma leave you with an opening segment from The Donny & Marie Show. Check out their inexplicable space palm tree bibs. Mmm hmmm. Saucy.[youtube=]



Advice: Five-Finger Fallout