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Photo A Day: Cardinal in My Back Yard

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON BEYONDPAISLEYPHOTOS.COMTo try and keep me honest in posting my photos regularly: Welcome to my Photo A Day! Topic: Whatever strikes my fancy. Frequency: Daily-ish, I hope.As I creep closer and closer to my dotage and accept the fact that I live in a semi-rural area, I am finally embracing the inevitable turn toward becoming a total bird-nerd. We recently set up a bird feeder in the back yard (Day 1: Put up a bird feeder. Day 2: Install a squirrel baffle. But that's a different story.) and I joked that it's for the kittens, so they could basically have bird TV from the back porch. But kittens can't operate cameras. That's where I step in.In short, Mr. Northern Cardinal quickly became super-protective of his mealworm cake.Because who wouldn't want to claim a basket of mealworms for their very own?Happy bird nerdery. friends!Come visit the rest of my recent photos at beyondpaisleyphotos.com