Travel Theme: Mountains

Ailsa's travel theme this week at Where's My Backpack? is: mountains!  I'm honestly a little surprised I have any pictures of mountains.  I'm not a climber and a lot of my travels have been surprisingly flat.  The few memorable trips I took driving out across the American West, I had a film camera and haven't scanned most of my pictures from those trips yet, though there will be a few.  Perhaps not so surprisingly, the mountains endure.Ireland isn't noted for its snow-capped massive peaks, but it does have Croagh Patrick, or St. Patrick's mountain.  Legend says this is the place where Patrick endured a 40-day Lenten fast, banished the snakes from Ireland, and fought a demon and won, thereby saving the Irish from their heathen ways forever.Croagh PatrickEvery year on the last Sunday in July, the penitent walk to the top of Croagh Patrick, to attend mass and go to confession at the chapel at the summit, which you can just make out in the photo.  The truly hardcore go barefoot.  To which I say, damn.And then we're off to sunny Tuscany, though on this day it was slightly cloudy Tuscany.  As I was on my Italy starter tour I hit the big three--Rome/Florence/Venice--and didn't venture very far afield.  Next time I go, I'll be up in those crazy little mountain towns.  For now, I just have to look at the mountains looming on the other side of Florence and wonder what it's like.Florence and the Tuscan mountains, from the Piazzale Michelangelo.There's something really snug about being located in a river valley surrounded by mountains.  I understand the strategic benefits.And here are some of the few pictures I have already scanned from my post-college, all-girl, westward-bound roadtrip; there will be more photos coming once I finish my blog about getting out there (really, I swear, I'll finish it).Up in the Grand Tetons.This was taken at a lookout near one of the summits, overlooking the Tetons and the Rockies.Intrepid explorer Leslie checks out the scenery.I dig the snow on the ground.  In June.And here are some mountains in Nevada, at sunrise.  If you're ever going to drive across Route 80 in Nevada, sunrise is the right time to do it.Nevada's stark landscape is softened by sunrise.  Have you got any pictures of mountains to share?  Join the fun!  See you at Ailsa's.


Downton Abbey: The Hagiography of Thomas the Martyr