Empire of Groovy

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Travel Theme: Tilted

This week, Ailsa's travel theme looks at things that are tilted.  Or, things that we've tilted for our own benefit and/or amusement.  Whatever, as long as it's askew and neither perfectly flat nor fully upright.Like these hang gliders at Jockey's Ridge State Park, rolled up and tilted onto their kickstands (or whatever they're called), waiting patiently for students to make use of them.Want to take a twirl around the tallest natural sand dune system in the Eastern US.These gravestones are close to home; we have a pretty fair amount of very old cemeteries whose stones are in various stages of disrepair.  This one is currently being overwhelmed by an errant clump of grass and weeds, though if you look in the background you'll see that it's hardly the only stone so affected.A hundred years of being untended surely takes its toll.This crazy tree is also close to home.It's just as creepy in person.  Though perhaps with slightly more flattering lighting.When at Knoebel's...take a picture of the tame-but-incredibly-cool-looking kiddie coaster track.It's all...twisty. And purple!And sometimes, you have to tilt the camera. For effect.  When it's Halloween, and you want to illustrate that the terror of night is alive and well (so to speak) and about to have its way with the rubber duckie in your bathroom.Poor thing. He never saw it coming.Apparently, to me, "tilted" is somewhat synonymous with "ominous" or "macabre", though there are exceptions.  Eh, it's how I roll.  ;)Head on over to Ailsa's page and check out all the fun!