Empire of Groovy

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A Word a Week Challenge: Mistake

Over at A Word in Your Ear, Skinnywench opened her magical dictionary of word indexification and came up with the Word a Day theme this week.Mistake!  Bzzzzt, thanks for playing, please try again.  Oh!  Wait!  You mean, things that you have in a photograph that are considered a mistake, for one reason or another?*cough cough cough*  My bad.  Though that would be a rum joke there, ey wot?Anyway.  Before I carry myself away on bad jokes (wouldn't be the first time), Imma get down to it.  These things, in my photographs, in one way or another, represent in one way or another all sorts of mistakery..First, I hope this serves as a gentle reminder that while a human editor should indeed give the final approval on all written material...please, people, turn on your spellcheck and let that be your first line of defense against casual mistakes.*sigh*I challenge you to spell this sign correctly.So one time, not all that long ago, I was in a store.  And that store had products; it was just jammed with things.  And some of those things?  Were these shoes, which are an example of how a mistake can multiply.  They were a failure from concept through execution, and the fact that they were given the green light along the way only tells me that once a mistaken OK is given, then the whole world can easily fall in on itself in a blundering series of misguided crystal pleats.  And I had them on my feet.  The things I do for this blog.It's one large series of purple mistakes.Seriously, people.  Just say no.One night, cooking, I cut my finger.  By definition that was a mistake but the bigger one, which I did not make, was that I did not try and continue prepping my food with only one band-aid between me and *yuck oh ewww blech*.  Especially when George had to eat what I was cooking, too.  Because ewww.Middle finger, you can see the owie.Yes, I keep rubber gloves in my house at all times.  I'm accident prone and dinner guests, you're welcome.When we were in Baltimore this past summer for ArtScape, I noticed in their street-camo-helicopter installment, one helicopter...ummm...would have had limited success flying, unless it was manned by the most skilled of pilots.  And remember, display artists: considering that there were several helicopters strung throughout this display, all right side up...several upended helicopters is an artistic statement.  One lone upended helicopter on display?  Is a derp.Black Hawk Upsy-Daisy just doesn't have the same zazz, you know?Black Hawk Upsy-Daisy just doesn't have the same zazz, you know?And finally...*sigh*I never should have trusted that Chris wouldn't have a camera as he joked me into making this face.  My mistake.  I swear, I don't know how my face ended up looking like this.  Even my nose looks flatter.Who brings the shmexy?Yes, I blurred out my friends' faces to protect their identities.  If I were my parents I'd consider disowning me.  But you know, when I make a mistake, I don't hold back.  Go big or go home, you know?Enjoy the rest of the "mistake" photos!