Empire of Groovy

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2013 Thus Far

I'm going to be blunt here.2013 can go fuck itself.I'm about to head back to the homeland to go to the funeral of an uncle.  Really?  George's dad, then my dad, and now my uncle?  And there's been other stuff that's sucked, though none of it compares to the loss of such important members of my family.  If I develop mysterious sores, I'm going to wonder when I was nominated to be the next Job.  Though lots of friends have suffered tragic losses this year, so...on the behalf of everyone I know who's had a shitty go of things, 2013...I think I've made it clear how I feel about you.  You've got some 'splaining to do.  And really, it's not me, it's all you.  I own none of it.Agggh.  The next few days are gonna suck.I miss hearing from you all, I'll be back soon.Until then, here are a few pictures I've taken within the calendar year 2013, in an effort to remind myself and others that maybe 2013 doesn't deserve to be completely wiped from our memories.  I don't want to put up gloomy pics, because I'm trying to angle for instant karma points.  Oh, look (says an otherwise cruel and unfeeling universe), she put up a picture of a lacy butterfly!  Let's not kill any more of her loved ones until, at the very least, the end of the year.So. With no further ado and in no particular order...Black swallowtail butterfly, my back yard. (Did you think I was kidding about posting a butterfly pic?) A day spent at Knoebel's with my brother, sis-in-law and the kiddos. July 2013.Railroad tracks in autumn.  Sigh.This guy.John & Molly's wedding. Lutsen, MN, July 2013.

And for good measure, here's a video of an otter juggling a rock.  I didn't take the video, but I love it all the same.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsAOMZSEyEU]I (sincerely, truly) hope your year is better than mine.  Enjoy!