Travel Theme: Orange

This week at Where's My Backpack?, Ailsa misses the sun and longs for some fiery, bright orange to brighten up the days. Mmmmkay. I'm in.First, check out the gorgeous orange bill and throat pouch of the double-crested cormorant. I saw this beauty when I was somewhere near Point Pleasant, NJ, the weekend after my niece's wedding. Can I tell you exactly where I saw it? No. Thankfully, cormorants are hardy creatures whose numbers are on the rise. If you really want to see one for yourself, it shouldn't be that hard.I don't know why it's double-crested. It just is.During a recent trip to Baltimore, we saw an Orioles game. It was great fun indeed. But there was SO. MUCH. ORANGE.SAAA-WING, batter batter batter, SWING!This past February, I was walking around my yard (or "touring the estate", as we like to say), I found this lonely leaf, stuck in the branches of a rather confused pussy willow. It was warm, it started to bud early, then it snowed...poor plant. But I don't mind saying I was glad to get the picture, with the orange of the dried leaf highlighted by the sun, beaming as it made its way full west.IMG_0061-001I was ridiculously taken by the bright orange keys on the old-fashioned cash register on display at the Meadowlands Museum. This fascinating little museum is three floors of thoughtfully curated, locally-minded, educational entertainment. I could've sat in the fluorescent-paint-illuminated coal hole all day. And they had old, leather football helmets that, when I thought of getting hit while wearing one, made me cringe. Bye bye, brain. But. They also had this cash register, which had (seemingly) random orange number keys and a big orange no-sale key. No sale, our Spanish speakers will attest, also means "Don't leave". This makes me kind of wistful and sad. I took about a thousand pictures of this thing.Wait, but...what? Where you going? :(And finally.We went to Concord, MA for an afternoon while visiting my beloved Russian professor. We saw the illustrious North Bridge (American history buffs, you know the place of which I speak!) and the North Bridge Visitor's Center. They were prepping for a wedding that was going to take place...very soon in proximity to our visit. Like, that day. I don't know when it was scheduled to start, I wasn't invited. Regardless, the wedding event doer guy (wedding planner? Florist? Groom? Not sure of his role) had that air of a man who was just...waiting. For longer than he wanted to wait. With a big old bouquet of bright orange roses.The flowers were quite beautiful.So that's my orange. What have you got? See you 'round Ailsa's page!


Big Heron in my Back Yard


How Typecasting Begins: Snowpiercer