Empire of Groovy

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Hurricane Sandy Comes To Town

Hey, all.Here I am, in my cozy casa in central PA, watching lurid hurricane/flooding porn and wondering if my power's going to go out, as Hurricane Sandy powers into town.So far, so good.We did some prepping already.  We've got a big pot of soup and some pasta, both capable of being eaten hot or cold.  A few days worth of bread, plus extra peanut butter and dried fruits.  Pots and buckets and pitchers of water.  Candles.  Flashlights.  Plenty (and I mean plenty) of matches.  And a box o' wine.  :)Wine snobs: get over it.The truth is, it was hard at first to tell how bad this was going to be.  The weather people are pretty good at doing what they can to whip viewers into a frenzy.  OMG!  Son of Stormageddon!  My boyfriend and I were saying that despite the amount of information zipping around out there, it's really hard to tell what's legitimate and real and what's not.  Which is kind of ridiculous, because that means so much of our lives are taken up by so much white noise.  Analogy for life, people.  Back in my reality I must admit, I have never been quite as grateful for my new windows as I am today, because the wind is tearing it up outside and yet I am not subjected to unwanted drafts.  They're not rattling like crazy or making me scared that they'll blow in.  The old ones would have.  It's almost a little deceptive, since it's really getting ugly out there.  It's hard to show motion in pictures, and it's hard to show rain (unless it's conveniently backlit, a la Singin' in the Rain)...[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1ZYhVpdXbQ](FYI, apparently it's completely untrue that they colored the raindrops with milk to get them to show up better on film.  Another movie myth shattered.)But dammit, I'm going to try. Here are some pictures I've taken from the relative safety of my front door.And...Safe and dry, everyone!  Here's a little REO Speedwagon to get you through the night.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTBv4kAdk_w]