Empire of Groovy

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Travel Theme: Shadows

All hail the mighty Groundhog!  Long may he reign!In honor of Groundhog Day, Ailsa has decreed this week's travel theme to be: Shadows.  So to celebrate my shadowy side I figured I'd look at the rascally bunch of ne'er-do-wells I am privileged to be friends with.Damn musicians.  Step out into the sunlight every so often, people.  These aren't the tidiest or least grainy pictures I've ever taken, but I had a lot of fun taking them.  :)Anyway.  First up!  Check out the local favorite Snakes Are Strong, a punk band who trades vocals between their male and female singer a la the band X.  SAS likes to play with their set lighting by projecting a movie--usually some kind of trippy horror flick--over the band.  Below is a picture of the drummer, Pete, and you can see the shadows of the other two members of the bad, Jeff and Brianna, off to the right.  The band's movie of choice for this performance--I would bet money on this--is Dario Argento's Suspiria.Pete, beasting it on the drums while Brianna and Jeff loom menacingly to the side.Next:  Drift Division.  My friend Andy's band played at our gem of an art deco movie house, the Campus Theatre, right here in beautiful downtown Lewisburg.  The band set up in front of the movie screen and also had a film (made for them by a friend of theirs) that projected over them as they played, which seems like a no-brainer when you've got a giant screen behind you just begging to be used.Shadowy men playing moody music.And then there's: Fear Factory.  This taken when I went to see Burt at a show in Philadelphia, and what I love about this picture is that Burt isn't the primary focus but rather, it's the silhouettes of the fans up front.  Because the fist pump and the metal horns?  Yeah.  That's what it's all about.Metal. \m/And finally, because my boyfriend starting giving me a hard time about my choice of Fear Factory picture ("Technically that's a silhouette, not a shadow" he said, to which I replied, "I don't think Ailsa's going to call the blog police on me," though maybe I'm wrong), here is me.  And what is clearly, inarguably, a shadow.  Taken  at Jockey's Ridge State Park in North Carolina, from the top of one mo'fo' of a sand dune.HELLO.Go check out the rest of the blogs at Ailsa's travel theme!  You know you want to join in on the fun.  See you there.